Wow. What a year it’s been.
This time last year no one had heard of COVID-19, the virus that’s dominated our lives. But for covid, Donald Trump would have been reelected. He got 74.2 million votes (up from 62.9 million in 2016).
The Democratic Party played it smart, nominating its least polarizing choice and then hiding him in his basement. This made the election about Donald Trump, and on an up or down vote, he lost. (For contrast, Clinton polled 65.8 million votes in 2016 to Biden’s 81.2 million in 2020.)
Trump’s 2016 cabinet appointees boasted big names, many from the private sector. Biden’s cabinet selections are people steeped in government service.
On the local scene, people you know are testing positive for COVID-19. And look at the chart below. What kind of spike will we see in the two-three weeks post-Christmas? Be safe out there; stay home if you can and wear the mask.
KnoxTNToday mailer: The photo at the top of this page was our cover shot for the December mailer of It went to 5,109 homes and businesses in the Farragut area (37934). It’s the Ralph McGill Plaza at Campbell Station Inn. Ralph McGill served two terms as mayor of the town of Farragut. He and wife Marianne were among the town’s founders. The drone photo was taken by Gary Steadman of P38 Aerial. Carol Springer worked some Photoshop magic to lighten the background.
$10 million to Knoxville’s United Way with gifts also to YWCA, Good Will Industries and Second Harvest Food Bank. Thank you, MacKenzie Scott, for investing some of Jeff Bezos’ money in our town.
Ken Dunlap, former principal at Powell High School and assistant principal at many other Knox County schools, has died at 57. The announcement came from Hardin Valley Academy. We will share details as they become available.
Sandra Clark is editor/CEO of Knox TN Today, Inc.