Knox County Master Gardeners (KCMG) are repeating the free class on garden cover crops and native plants Saturday, September 28, 9 a.m.- noon UT Gardens South Greenhouse at 2514 Jacob Drive, room 124.
The class will provide basic information on winter cover crops, soil preparation, improving soil and the use of native plants.
Preregistration is required. To register go here.
For information email.
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In addition, KCMG will host Ask A Master Gardener sessions at Norwood Library in October and November for the public to ask plant and garden questions. Certified master gardener Cid Letsinger will answer questions from 10 a.m.- noon on Saturdays, October 5 and November 16, at the Norwood Branch Library, located at 1110 Merchant Dr. in Knoxville.
KCMG, a Tennessee non-profit 501(c)(3), is a University of Tennessee Extension program with more than 200 active members who perform volunteer activities in the Knox County area.
Nancy Howell, is president of the Chapman Highway Garden Club and occasional spokesperson for Knox County Master Gardeners