Last summer, Mighty Mud owner Barron Hall moved his East Knoxville pottery and ceramic studio to the former Lusk Body Company, 127 Jennings Ave., just off North Central.
The website describes Mighty Mud this way: “We are locally owned and artist operated. Mighty Mud is the place to go in Knoxville for all of your ceramic supply needs. We also offer a wide variety of art classes and workshops, provide artist studios to local artists and sell finished artwork in our gallery. We have been making some exciting changes to the store and studio including lots of new product lines and new class and workshop offerings.”
The 10,000 square foot studio boasts four kilns in the back of the building and will add a wood-fire kiln and a gas kiln soon. There is open space in the middle of the room, rental studios along the interior wall and shelves of materials and tools for sale near the front of the building. On the far side of main room are three small rooms packed with finished pieces for sale.

Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia cups, designed by Ursula Hall
Mighty Mud offers two kinds of lessons – six-week workshops for $200-$225, or one-night events for $45 per night.
“We cater to everyone,” said Ellie Kotsianas, a co-owner/instructor who studied ceramics at East Tennessee State University, teaches two classes and turns out work of her own, marked by a tiny ladybug that is her personal signature.
“People come in who have never touched clay before, plus students who are taking classes at UT and rent their own spaces.”
Kotsianas, who has been with Mighty Mud for about five years, said clients and patrons come from as far away as Georgia.
Mighty Mud is open 11-6 Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 11-9 Thursdays and 9-5 Saturdays. Info: or 865-595-1900.