Laura Bailey and Kim Frazier celebrate Kim’s GOP primary victory for Knox County Commission District 11 – one of two at-large seats. Bailey also supported the winner, Rhonda Lee, for the commission’s District 7. If she had gone to the Kentucky Derby, Bailey probably would have bet on that 80-1 long-shot, Rich Strike.

Pizza Hoss Powell is back! The popular pizzeria closed after 10 years in April because of staffing shortages. The owner retained Pizza Hoss Karns, however, and on Monday, May 9, the Powell store reopened with new owners – Brandon and Amanda and their son, Dallas. (Apologies, but my social media source doesn’t like last names.) Amanda has worked at Pizza Hoss Karns for a year and both are very excited to launch their own business. And so are the 525 people who had “liked” the news by day’s end Monday.

State Rep. Michele Carringer will speak today (5/10/22) at the Powell Business and Professional Association, meeting at Jubilee Banquet Facility on Callahan Road. Admission of $14 includes buffet lunch.

Tennova will break ground for a new patient tower at North Knox Medical Center on East Emory Road at 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 24. Those attending should gather near the Emergency Department entrance.

PBPA After Hours will be hosted from 4:30-6 p.m. Thursday, May 12, by Maura Lee at Summit Medical Group, 201 E. Emory Road. Refreshments will be served.

Powell Calendar: Flotilla, 9 a.m. Saturday, May 14, Powell High Landing (new dock) on Brickyard Road. Info: Steven Goodpaster at 865-686-3300. ♣ 4th of July Lions Club Parade, line up at Powell Middle School; step off at 11 a.m. ♣ 4th of July Picnic in the Park (Powell Station Park on Emory), noon to 3 p.m. Monday, July 4. ♣ Powell Station Celebration and Travis Wegener Memorial Car Show, 9 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 13, Powell High School.

West Knox

Concord United Methodist Church opened The Thrift Store at 8843 Kingston Pike to raise money for missions. Show your support by shopping or donating your gently used items. Located between Krystal and Fun Makers/Cedar Bluff/Gallaher area.

Suburban Hills Car Wash


Halls remains a rural community, and the big news last week was a surge of 20 or more cattle running loose on Hill Road. After the posting, the jokes began. Free meat and Let’s eat and Did anyone call the helicopter yet? and Call in the S.W.A.T. Then a serious-minded reader noted that the cattle could cause a wreck and another said somebody should go door-to-door in the area since the older farmers probably don’t read social media. The original poster said Well, one of the farmers that lives near there is the one who asked me to post this. … The closest houses with cows were alerted and one of them actually hopped on his tractor and helped us push them back over the hill. No word on whether the cows made it back home. Guess they’re not on social media either.