It’s too late to register for the Three Rivers Regatta that splashes down at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 7, at Gov. Ned McWherter Park. But it’s not too late to make plans to find a spot to cheer on participants in their variety of water craft from kayaks to paddle boards. Paddlers will travel on portions of the Tennessee, French Broad and Holston Rivers. These are deep water races suitable for any style craft. The event is hosted by Paddle Knoxville. For more information go here.

Friday, Aug. 6

Disc Golf Horse: 2 p. m. at Big Ridge State Park. Event is free. Join Hannah at the softball field for a fun game of horse only with Disc Golf. No experience needed; discs provided. For more info or to register go here or call 865-992-5523.

Sunset Canoe Float: 7:45 p. m. at Panther Creek State Park at the boat ramp. Cost is $10. Enjoy a relaxing evening canoe float on Cherokee Lake and cover the basics of canoeing. Lifejackets, paddles, and canoes provided. For more info or to register go here or call 423-587-7046.

Ijams Night Hike: 8 p. m. at Ijams Nature Center. Cost is $10. Join an Ijams naturalist and use all senses to explore the night. Walk includes night games and activities as well as exploration for nocturnal creatures. Bring a flashlight. For more info or to register go here or call 865-577-4717, ext. 127.

Saturday, Aug. 7

Johnson grass Removal Volunteer Day: 8 a. m. at Seven Islands State Birding Park. Event is free. Hand pull Johnson grass from beside the paved ADA Trail starting at the Bluebird Barn area. Bring work gloves and water bottle. For more info or to register go here or call 715-630-6848.

Birding By Ear: 8 a. m. at Seven Islands State Birding Park. Cost is $5. Join us a 2.5-mile hike through various habitats, to listen and discuss the best tools and tricks for learning to identify birds by ear. For more info or to register go here or call 715-630-6848.

Butterfly Run: 8:30 a. m. at World’s Fair Park. Join the run in-person at World’s Fair Park or virtually in your own neighborhood. Starting Time: 10k – 8:30 a.m.; 5k – 8:45 a.m. Event benefits East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. For more info or to register go here.

Ijams Field Day: Butterflies of the Fields and Forests: 10 a. m. at Ijams Nature Center. Cost is $20. Go through field and forest to look at butterfly adaptations, ecosystem roles, how butterflies are helping us in unexpected ways, and how to help our local flying flowers. Details and registration online.

Kayak Tour: 8 p. m. at Cove Lake State Park. Cost is $35. Join Ranger Mabry on a guided kayak tour of Cove Lake. Each participant will receive a free headlamp. Kayaks, paddles, and personal flotation devices provided. For more info or to register go here or call 423-566-9701.

Nighttime Nature Ramble: 8:45 p. m. at Frozen Head State Park. Cost is $10. Join Ranger Kayley on a walk along the Flat Fork Walking trail to view park wildlife and learn about animals and their nighttime routines. Bring a flashlight or head lamp. For more info or to register go here or call 423-346-3318.

Sunday, Aug. 8

Seven Sinkholes Trail Hike: 9 a. m. at Panther Creek State Park. Event is free. Join Ranger Cade to look at some of the defining geological features of this area. Hike is 0.6-miles with some semi-rocky terrain. For more info or to register go here or call 423-587-7046.

Guided Hike: Chestnut Ridge Trail: 10 a. m. at Big Ridge State Park at the Grist Mill. Event is free. Join Recreator Hannah for a 1.5-mile hike on the Chestnut Ridge Trail. Hike has moderate elevation changes. For more info or to register go here or call 865-992-5523.

Monday, Aug. 9

Sunset and Cider/Lemonade Hike: 8 p. m. at Seven Islands State Birding Park. Cost is $5. Join Ranger Stephanie for an easy 1-mile hike to the Green House to watch the sunset from the porch, sip on hot apple cider or cold lemonade. Discuss birds, wildlife, plants, and trees found in the park during the late summer/early fall months. Bring a flashlight. For more info or to register go here or call 715-630-6848.

Wednesday, Aug. 11

Cycling Cades Cove Loop: Sunrise to Sunset. Cades Cove. Info: Great Smoky Mountains National Park at 865-436-7318. Enjoy the Cades Cove Loop Road on vehicle-free Wednesdays. Details and map online.

Ijams Night Hike: Perseid Meteor Shower: 8 a. m. at Ijams Nature Center. Cost is $8. Walk will focus on viewing the Perseid Meteor shower to learn about this shower, some simple constellations, experience the night during a short walk, and then sit back to enjoy the show. Bring a flashlight. For more info or to register go here or call 865-577-4717, ext. 127.

Thursday, Aug. 12

Introduction to Paddling: 7 p. m. at Roane State Morgan County Campus. Event is free. The program introduces the paddling opportunities in the area, how to identify optimal flow levels, learn basic paddling techniques, and potential safety hazards and things that can be done to address them. Participants will view the variety of equipment needed to paddle whitewater safely. Call 423-346-6294 to register.

To find more outdoor activities, go here.

Thanks to Legacy Parks Foundation for providing the Outdoor Knoxville calendar.