East Tennessee PBS Scholars’ Bowl, an academic competition between 62 high school teams from East Tennessee and Southeast Kentucky, returns for its 36th season. Fifty high schools are represented, and 12 schools were able to send two teams to compete.

New episodes will air weekdays at 5:30 p.m. on PBS from Monday, Jan. 6, through March 27. The host/moderator is Frank Murphy who returns for his fourth season. The executive producer is Ernie Roberts.

Scholars’ Bowl showcases top academic students and promotes scholastic excellence in a competitive setting. Teams consist of four starters and some alternate players. Students answer questions on a variety of topics. Each game is single elimination, and the winning teams advance to rounds of 32, 16, 8 and 4 before the final two teams compete for the Frank Miller Memorial Trophy and a $1,000 cash stipend.

Info: Ernie Roberts at eroberts@easttennesseepbs.org or 865-591-9117.