Honey Badger captures ‘The Elusive Sun’

Thomas Mabry - Honey Badger ImagesOur Town Arts

My Asheville friend Woody Hoyle and I were watching the sunrise featured in the accompanying photo and almost gave up due to a layer of cloud cover that obscured where we thought the sun would arise.

See, we have these fancy apps on our iPhones that can tell us precisely when and where the morning sun will appear above the horizon.

Nevertheless, the low hanging clouds over the mountains inhibited our view of Ol’ Sol until we simultaneously saw a small reddish/ orange glow appear through the fog. The glow eventually became a giant red ball that lit the sky above and made for a gorgeous moment.

Someone once told the Honey Badger not to give up until the miracle happens. The comment was made in another context but it can apply to many terrestrial endeavors.

Now, this photo has become a recent favorite among my online fans and followers. I’m glad we honored the sentiment of patience and for doing so, we were richly rewarded and we can so reward you.

Thomas Mabry – Honey Badger Images

Many of the HoneyBadgerImages are on display at instagram.com/honeybadgerimages


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