My Tree – Photography by Chris S. Rohwer

Well, not really my tree but we have become good friends. We are neighbors and see each other regularly. My tree has posed for me often, most recently for this mid-January photo during one of our wonderful and rare East Tennessee snowfalls. It was previously a KnoxTN Today subject here.

With branches reaching in all directions, some straight and strong and others twisting in search for summer sunshine, it has its own character. Like weathered lines of an old farmer’s face, they give a tree identification.

Spring is coming. Signs of early flowers and bulging buds on trees are a sure sign of its approach. I will miss the winter photography but look forward to the new green blanket that Mother Nature will throw over us.

Faces and Places

*Nolan Sherrill and Chris Rohwer have a show of about 25 images of “Faces and Places” hanging in the hallway of the Historic Phoenix Building at 418 South Gay Street. Nolan’s images show a variety of places from around the world. Chris has provided portrait shots of people photographed in some of the countries he has visited. They will be in place through the end of March. Stop in to see their work any time.*

Photographer Chris and painter Robin Rohwer each week share a painting or photograph that captured their interest in hopes that it will also capture yours. They have a small studio and gallery in the Phoenix Building at 418 South Gay Street where you can stop and see their work. Their website is