Recently I was trying to find words to describe how I choose a subject to paint.
Consider shoe shopping or speed dating. You survey the potential and zoom in on a few prospects with positive attributes. Then you spend a few minutes up close with the subject to see if you can coexist. There may be a connection but sometimes it just doesn’t pan out or, alternatively, it’s a sweet fit and Voila! Happy place!
When I come around the corner and see something I need to paint, my eyes light up, my heart beats faster and paint begins to fly. As a subject, Blount County’s Bethlehem Road is this fit for me in any direction I look; the first hurdle of subject . . . covered.
The actual painting process is another issue, another story, another day. I hope you enjoy one of my favorite places to work.
Photographer Chris and painter Robin Rohwer each week strive to share a painting or photograph that captured their interest in hopes that it will also capture yours. They have a small studio and gallery in the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville where you can stop and see their work. Check ahead to see when they will be there, as they may be off looking for more inspiration. Their website is Email them at If a particular piece interests you for your home or office, please contact them. All works are copyright protected.