Painter Sarah Pollock is the 2020 featured artist for Artsclamation!, Penin­sula’s annual fundraiser and fine art sale, which is underway – virtually this year. She has donated an original oil painting entitled “Autumn Blaze,” with 100 percent of the proceeds going to Pen­insula’s behavioral health services.

Artsclamation! sup­ports mental health ser­vices at Peninsula, the be­havioral health division of Parkwest Medical Center. In past years, proceeds of the art sale have assisted with the construction of garden courtyards for adult patients, vans for transpor­tation serving clients in outpatient programs, play areas for children and ther­apeutic modules for con­sultation.

Until Nov. 22, Artsclamation! patrons can view the wide selection of paintings, jewelry, glass­work, pottery and sculpture for this year’s virtual event and make a purchase by visiting Learn more here: Covenant Health_Artsclamation

Content provided by the Public Relations Department of Covenant Health.