Scott Wilson comes alive on Main Street in Sweetwater, Tennessee. After all, he grew up in these parts and is deeply rooted in the communities he serves, including Monroe, McMinn and Loudon counties.
“I have lived here my entire life, and I love the mountains and streams of East Tennessee. It’s always beautiful in every season,” Scott says.
After a successful career with Realty Executives Associates, based with Farragut office broker and REA president Steve Fogarty, Scott decided to set up his own REA-affiliated brick and mortar agency in 2018. “Steve gave us a green light,” he says.
In four years, Realty Executives Associates-Main Street has grown from four agents to more than 20. And when 2022 numbers were compiled, the agency led Monroe County in sales, volume and size.
“We’ve had a good couple of years,” Scott Wilson says, but he stresses the agency motto – People over Profit – remains its north star. “We stress relationships. As a brokerage, we serve our clients and also our agents.”
As agency owner and principal broker, Scott Wilson carries multiple certifications from state and national associations: Broker, CRS, SRS, GRI, ABR, SRES. In addition to consistently ranking as a top agent for production, Scott is also a former city planner and building official which gives him knowledge to assist clients in the zoning, planning or inspection process.
Julia Wilson

Julia Wilson
An important service to agents is provided by Julia Wilson, Scott’s wife, who is co-owner and an integral member of the business. She handles on-boarding of new agents as well as training and marketing, Scott said.
Julia is a certified marketing executive (CME), trained to help new agents. She instructs on Realty Executives’ proprietary software and helps new agents construct a marketing plan including a social media presence. She supports them in designing and producing personal marketing materials such as “Just Listed” cards and property flyers.
Julia Wilson also is a digital marketing executive. “Exceeding expectations for both buyers and sellers extends far beyond contracts, print marketing and customer support,” she says. “I’ve embraced the rise of mobile, social media and online trends. With instant information always at our fingertips, the way we buy and sell real estate has changed forever.”
Sweetwater Depot
Sweetwater gets a fair number of tourists, especially since the Civil War Trails map was produced by the state. The Sweetwater Depot, 305 Main Street, was an important transportation center during the war. Military control over the railroad seesawed from one side to the other during September 1863 as armies maneuvered for control of Knoxville and Chattanooga. Confederate Gen. James Longstreet used the town and the railroad as a staging area for his campaign against Knoxville, according to the map.
How does that affect the Wilsons of REA-Main Street?
“Well, our office is right across from the depot,” Scott says. “Folks come through here, see how pretty it is and drop by the office to see about buying property. We say, ‘Come right on in.’”
Realty Executives Associates-Main Street is located at 307 N. Main Street in Sweetwater. Info: 423-836-9494 or website.