Food City & Eastman host campaign to aid flood victims

Susan EspirituOur Town Leaders

In the wake of the devastation caused by the recent flooding across Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia, Food City is teaming up with the Eastman Foundation, the United Ways of Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia, WCYB-TV, News Channel 11, ABC Tri-Cities, Fox Tri-Cities and Bristol Broadcasting Co., which includes WXBQ, WAEZ, WEXX and SuperTalk radio to host a fundraising campaign to benefit flood relief efforts spanning from Cocke County, Tennessee, to Grayson County, Virginia, and all localities in between.

Food City and the Eastman Foundation have each pledged a $100,000 contribution for a total of $200,000 to kick off the fund drive. “The lives of many of our friends and neighbors have been devastated by this tragic flooding and we want to do everything possible to ensure area flood victims receive much-needed resources during this critical time,” said Steven C. Smith, Food City president and chief executive officer.

The campaign will run from Tuesday through Friday, October 1-12, in all Food City locations. Customers wishing to participate can make a monetary donation at the checkout. 100% of the funds collected will benefit the United Ways of Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia disaster relief funds.

“We greatly appreciate the tremendous support shown by our loyal customers, associates and business partners during past times of crisis. Food City and the Eastman Foundation are making matching contributions totaling $200,000 to kick off the fundraising efforts and we would like to once again call upon your generosity and invite you to join us in providing aid to those in desperate need,” said Smith. “We would also like to express our deepest appreciation to the Eastman Foundation, the United Ways of Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia, (and our media partners) for their partnership on this critical initiative.”

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