We are one month away from Valentine’s Day; this holiday quickly became a favorite of mine when I became a teacher. There is something endearing about watching kids get excited about giving and receiving their valentines.
When I became a mom, my love for Valentine’s Day grew. A day to celebrate all the people you love in your life, what could be better?
I am a fan of cute valentines. You know the kind that say, “You color my world,” and you attach a pack of crayons or watercolor paint. Or “Valentine, you blow me away” attached to bubbles. Or “You dough best, Valentine” attached to some play dough. I could go on and on about all the cute valentines I have seen or we have given over the years.
However, one non-negotiable for me as a mom and as a teacher, is to have my girls involved in their valentine making. This may mean it does not present a certain polished look some of us prefer.
Valentines are the perfect opportunity to have your child practice writing their name. Does it take longer? Yes! But it’s so worth it. If you do not think your child is ready, consider what supports you could use to help them: have their name written where they can look at is a model to reference; is there one or two letters (like L, H, F, T) they’re able to write? Do those! You write it and they trace it.
Last year, my 2-year-old was not ready to write anything, but she wanted to be just like her 5-year-old sister, so I let her draw (scribble) on the back. Because do you know what drawing leads to? WRITING. This year, she will be able to write the L in her name!
Let’s empower our kids in confidence to do hard things while having fun! They will be prouder of their valentines if they have a hand in making them.
Tag me, @booksandsmiles on Instagram to show me your child(ren)’s valentines!
Erin Pate is a former elementary school teacher and mom to two littles who has a passion for sharing the love of reading. Follow her on Instagram @booksandsmiles for book recommendations, reading tips and learning ideas for the littles in your life.