Ball Camp fifth grader wins national Girl Scouts essay contest

Susan EspirituKarns/Hardin Valley, Our Town Youth

On Thursday, March 16, Gracie Ogle was recognized in a special ceremony as the winner of a national essay contest titled “Girl Scouts to the Moon and Back” and she will be awarded a Space Science badge that has been to space on NASA’s Artemis I when it returns to earth in 6-8 weeks.

“We think it will be well worth the wait to receive such an out-of-this-world prize!” said Girl Scouts of Southern Appalachians CEO Lynne Fugate. That mission is NASA’s first step toward the goal of sending the first woman and the first person of color to the moon.

Gracie, a junior-level Girl Scout member of Troop 22040, was the sole recipient from the state of Tennessee and just one of 81 Girl Scouts from across the country to have an essay chosen. “We are over the moon about Gracie’s success,” said Fugate. NASA has been an incredibly dedicated and enthusiastic partner of Girl Scouts, inspiring girls to pursue careers in STEM.

The Artemis I launched on Wednesday, Nov. 16, with the Girl Scout Space Science badges aboard the Orion capsule. Gracie did have a special surprise from Y-12 – a NASA moon box and the honor of opening the moon box, which stays closed when on display at Y-12’s museum This educator at heart is certainly proud to acknowledge this super accomplishment! 

Susan Espiritu is the ultimate optimist who wants to share uplifting, entertaining stories from your communities and youth! Send them to

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