Wolf Pack Alpha Elite places second

Susan EspirituWest Knox County

The Wolf Pack Alpha Elite, with Champion Force Athletics had an astounding year in cheer competition, placing second in the national competition in Lexington, Kentucky, in July.

This team whose ages range from 9-18, with just two seniors, has only been considered an elite team for one year. In December 2023, they placed third in the state championship which qualified the team for the national competition last month in Kentucky.

In the team’s last state competition in May, the team placed first which set them up for the July competition where they excelled.

Senior Jae says of the team, “The attitudes and work ethics of the athletes are incredible to see. Everyone is so motivated to work hard and that is what connects us all in order to succeed as a team. I have met so many amazing people through this team.”

Team member Leyton reiterates, “Being a part of this team was an amazing experience, literally dreams coming true for me. It was worth every ounce of hard work, and I gained so much confidence. All that work paid off on that stage at nationals, it’s an indescribable feeling. I’m thankful for a coach who challenges us to be the best we can. Thankful for this group embracing me and the bond we’re building as teammates. My goal is to be with CFA till I graduate.”

Jen Darby, head coach of the local Champion Force Cheer team, says she is incredibly proud of the athletes and their accomplishments. “They were amazing in Kentucky on the national stage.”

All of us have a story and we want to tell yours! Send them to susan@knoxtntoday.com.


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