Well, Happy New Year, and if you had a glass of wine thinking you were lowering your stroke risk and maybe even dementia risk, think again. Despite prior scientific data, alcohol in all forms has now been labeled as the leading preventable form of cancer and should carry the same the same warnings as a pack of cigarettes.
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s report cites studies linking all alcoholic beverages to at least seven malignancies: breast, colorectum, esophagus, liver, mouth (oral cavity), throat (pharynx) and voice box (larynx). Murthy is asking Congress to add the warning labels.
This news is sure to leave drinking readers a bit confused.
In January, 2020, the National Institutes of Health wrote a statement in the National Library of Medicine article: “Moderate wine drinking is linked to higher blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids that protect against heart disease, metabolize glucose and decrease cardiometabolic risk; increased levels of heme-oxygenase and prevention of blood clotting may protect the brain from stroke damage [14,15,16,17]. The risk of developing dementia and depression was suggested to be reduced by moderate wine drinking [18,19].”
Despite that and similar statements from authorities that basically advised moderate drinking to help prevent heart attacks and strokes, the research has now linked even recommended limits to various types of cancer.
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I propose a toast to Nick.
Mr. Della Volpe has nailed it from my point of view, adding… this feels like fad science.
I don’t buy it. These are the same “experts” that kowtow to the food industry and permit dozens of hideous chemicals in prepared foods for shelf life etc. People have been fermenting foods and drink for thousands of years, and raising a glass for thousands of years. Moderation makes more sense than horned-rim glass studies. A glass of wine with dinner is part of the “magic “ of the highly-touted Mediterranean diet. These scientists must make their case in the light of countervailing evidence and arguments.
Completely agree with Nick DV — where is the proof that suddenly changed the thinking? As in all things in life — Moderation is key IMO.