Grace Christian Academy has embarked on a full immersion international student boarding program designed for students both inside and outside the program to benefit from the different cultures, languages and perspectives, fostering tolerance and understanding.

Through immersive learning opportunities at Grace Christian Academy and supportive mentorship through both the school and Grace Baptist Church, the program prepares students to thrive in an interconnected world, helping them build lifelong friendships and develop a broader perspective on life.

Claudio Rico, Grace Christian Academy’s international student coordinator, provided insights into both the history and the present state of the school’s program.

Origination of program

For many years, Grace Christian Academy served international students from around the world on a smaller scale, short-term exchange program. In 2023, Grace Baptist Church and Grace Christian Academy expanded the exchange program to allow for long-term experiences and started a boarding program. “We felt like the Lord was leading us in this direction. Our main goal was to expand our mission and lead students to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, build them up in His full potential and equip them to serve Him and others,” says Rico.

To bring this vision to fruition, for the fall semester 2024, GCA welcomed 11 students to the full-time international boarding program. These students were from Brazil, South Korea and Thailand. This spring semester, GCA added five more students with a student joining from the Congo.

How is the program managed

The students live in brand new condos adjacent to the GCA campus. Two full-time dorm coordinators, an international student coordinator and the dean of students, who is heavily involved in the program, support the students. Members from Grace Baptist Church volunteer and support.

Students’ schedules

Students are provided three meals a day, transportation to activities and entertainment on the weekend. The students attend church at Grace every Sunday and Wednesday, integrating into school and church.

On an average day, the students go to class, attend extracurricular activities, study and hang out with friends to have the full American experience, which also allows the American students to share and learn from the different cultures. Their GCA friends make sure they are included in GCA events and learn local favorites like Main Event, Top Golf and bowling.

Rico has made sure the students get full exposure into the uniqueness of our area, too. They have experienced UT football games, UT basketball games, Knoxville Ice Bears Hockey and Dollywood.

This growing international outreach of Grace Christian Academy and Grace Baptist Church enriches the educational environment, allowing local and international students to learn from one another, collaborate on projects and develop essential skills for future success in a globalized society. By encouraging cross-cultural connections, the program aims to create a more inclusive and dynamic community within the school.

Haylee Jordan is the executive director of development at Grace Christian Academy. She can be reached at email.

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