Barred Owl

According to the Audubon Society, the Barred Owl is a little smaller that the Great Horned Owl. It is much less aggressive and is most active at night, but it will also call and even hunt in the daytime.

It lives in mostly deciduous or mixed woods in the southeast.

The Barred Owl eats mostly small mammals like mice, small rodents, squirrels, rabbits, opossums, etc. It will eat various birds, frogs, snakes and lizards including some insects too.

See what Crapper Hattie and Crapper Mom have to say about the Barred Owl and what Dad John did for them at their home!

Creativity is tied to literacy and teacher Melissa Halter with her daughter Hattie are sharing periodic episodes of Crapper Mom and Crapper Hattie videos.