At Muse Knoxville: Sam McKenzie, Damon Rawls, Allison Comer, Gwen McKenzie and Courtney Durrett.
Allison Comer and friends welcomed the New Year at Muse Knoxville for the “Cheer in the New Year” event.
Comer, executive director of Muse Knoxville, thanked public officials for attending: State Rep. Sam McKenzie, Knox County Commissioners Damon Rawls and Courtney Durrett, and Knoxville City Council member Gwen McKenzie.
How did she ever get these folks there at midnight?
But wait! The beach ball drop was at noon, not midnight, and that’s why you see kids and families in the crowd.
Russ Townsend retires at Shafer
Andy Shafer, president of Shafer Insurance, with Russ Townsend, retiring after 16+ years at Shafer, and agency founder Bo Shafer. Andy said the retirement lunch was filled “with laughter, memories and heartfelt stories.”
Promotion at Merit Construction
Tommy Cutcher (center) has been promoted to vice president of project management at Merit Construction. Also pictured are Shannon Sapp (left), president and CEO of Merit Construction, and Tyson Brewster. “Tommy has earned this promotion through his hard work and dedication,” said Sapp.
Conservation is topic for Knoxville Rotary
Nature Conservancy’s Tennessee director Laurel Creech, along with Katherine Medlock, director for Appalachians Conservation, spoke to Knoxville Rotary on January 7, 2025. The nonprofits work to conserve the lands and waters of the region. Pictured are Katherine Medlock, Rotary past president Sandy Martin, Rotary president Chris Lambert and Laurel Creech.