Randy Smith is eating dinner with Dave Wright at Buddy’s on Magnolia this Tuesday; he’s scheduled lunch with John Schoonmaker at Tomato Head on Wednesday; he recently dined with Evelyn Gill — all meetings properly sunshined. But why? Perhaps he’s running for chair of Knox County Commission. Smith, who represents District 3, faces re-election in 2018. He’s also got a day job, working in risk management for Knox County government.
Term limits won’t eliminate any commissioners in 2018, but three incumbents are running for something else: Bob Thomas and Brad Anders for mayor and Dave Wright for state representative. Ed Brantley may not run again as well, leaving Charles Busler (District 7) and Smith as the most senior commissioners. Smith has chaired the Finance Committee for three years and serves as vice chair.
The commission will reorganize one hour before the September workshop.
Charles Busler wants to hear from constituents: “Call me, complain to me,” he said at a recent meeting in Powell. “Be like another wife to me.”
State Sen. Becky Massey is stepping down from her day job as executive director of the Sertoma Center Inc. Massey is in her 24th year at the center, which supports adults with intellectual disabilities. She says she will continue working with the board to build duplexes, but she’s giving up the day-to-day leadership in October. A search is underway for a replacement.
Karl Dean, former Nashville mayor who is running for governor, was on This Week in Tennessee on Sunday. He seemed a bit baffled by Kristin Farley’s questions such as “how will you pay for that?”
George Korda said it’s “impossible” for Dean to win, and panelist Terry Adams speculated $30- to $40 million will be spent. He said Dean can win: “That’s why we have elections.” Craig Griffith quoted Tim Burchett who said the governor’s race is not a campaign, it’s an auction.