Glenn Jacobs apparent winner

Sandra ClarkFeature, Gossip and Lies

Glenn Jacobs should mail Roger Kane a check. When Roger started running against Sherry Witt, he posted huge signs with his last name. The signs didn’t help Roger, but Glenn got a boost from every wrestling fan who knows him by his stage name, Kane.

Jacobs leads Brad Anders by 17 votes for the Republican nomination for Knox County mayor. Results still must be certified, Anders could request a recount, provisional ballots to be counted Thursday could tip the race. But that 17-vote margin probably will hold. Linda Haney got the Democratic nod. Look for Jacobs vs. Haney in August.

If Knox County had nonpartisan elections for local offices, the top two vote-getters would move on to August. Don’t you know there are Bob Thomas voters who are wishing for their vote back. We had two credible candidates with experience on county commission – Anders and Thomas – and one pro wrestler with zero government experience.

Lest you worry, though, Jacobs is no Donald Trump. He gets the difference between real and pretend, and he’s got the moxy to be a great Knox County mayor.

Tom Spangler should have been the Republican nominee for sheriff 10 years ago when then-Sheriff Tim Hutchison favored Jimmy “J.J.” Jones. The politicians said Spanky couldn’t raise enough money to win. Spangler and his volunteers proved them all wrong on Tuesday, beating JJ’s choice, Lee Tramel, better than two-to-one. There is no Democratic candidate, so Sheriff Spangler will take office in September.

Sherry Witt successively moved from register of deeds to county clerk, while her chief deputy, Nick McBride, outran the ghost of Steve Hall to become register of deeds.

Justin Biggs scored a major upset in knocking off former commissioner R. Larry Smith – both vying to succeed Ed Brantley as commissioner at-large. Smith got out early and raised considerable money. But Biggs used social media effectively and voters opted for a fresh face.

Larsen Jay took Seat 10, replacing Bob Thomas. The perpetually optimistic Mr. Jay could be Knox County’s next big thing. One thing’s certain. Biggs and Jay collectively are about 50 years younger than Brantley and Thomas.

Kristi Kristy defeated Amber Rountree for the South Knox school board seat. Kristy was endorsed by seven of the last eight school board chairs and the daily paper.

Evetty Satterfield will replace Gloria Deathridge on the school board. She polled 53 percent of the vote against two opponents.

Virginia Babb will also join the school board, replacing Lynne Fugate.

Charlie Susano proved one West Knox guy can beat four from the north side of town. He will succeed Cathy Quist Shanks as clerk of Circuit Court. Criminal Court Clerk Mike Hammond and Trustee Ed Shouse were re-nominated without opposition. All the numbers are here. Good luck to the winners!

Liking you, part two

Yesterday we asked: Do “likes” on Facebook translate to votes?

The answer is a resounding yes. Tuesday winners who also had more Facebook likes are Jacobs, Spangler, Biggs and Jay.


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