Flowers for First Friday

Christopher RobinOur Town Arts

There’s is nothing like fall in Tennessee! Sentinels of the season capture our attention: football, scarecrows, festivals and bonfires. The temperatures have been perfect!
Traveling to the Cumberland Plateau, I was …

Getting fit for flight

Christopher RobinOur Town Arts

No, this is not a butterfly convention, and, no, it is not a Photoshop composite. Butterflies gathering in large numbers to absorb minerals and salts from wet soil is called …

Serenity at dawn

Christopher RobinOur Town Arts

In all the photography classes and workshops that I have taken, it has been stressed to eliminate everything that is not necessary to the photo. If something does not add …

Finding the Zen in zinnias

Christopher RobinOur Town Arts

Moderate early August temperatures (less than 90 degrees) and thouzands of colorful zinnias found me zestful and zealous to put on canvas what was before me. Zooming over to Seven …

Intimations of harvest time

Christopher RobinOur Town Arts

Is driving a tractor on your bucket list? I’ve been wondering just how many local folks can drive one. While not everyone was raised in a farm setting, many have …