PBS JobPop releases more videos

Anne BrockOur Town Outdoors

“We’re doing a lot of innovative work right here in Knoxville,” said General Manager Jon Hamilton as he told how his team of solar technicians works on photovoltaic installations. Hamilton is one of multiple hand-on professionals interviewed by the video production crew for JobPop videos that air on East Tennessee PBS. The series inserts a minute or so of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math into the fun of watching kids’ cartoons!

In his interview for JobPop, Hamilton explained, “Working on solar project is a great mix of both the trades, but also the science, the understanding the technology.” Here is the Solar Technician video featuring this PV expert. It runs on East Tennessee PBS television as well as on YouTube.

In another JobPop video, meet the park ranger who oversees a public park in East Tennessee. You can also hear how a logistics professional moves crayons from point A to point B so you have them and other supplies for school. See how a recycling supervisor oversees the recycling of materials at the University of Tennessee to keep them out of a landfill.

JobPop targets school-aged children in the 5- to 12-year range. Professor Nick Geidner leads the Land Grant Films group of University of Tennessee students who learn video production while interviewing, planning and editing. The project is made possible because of a grant via the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Connected Communities initiative.

Geidner said, “We are really excited to get these videos out in the community and have kids learn about all the amazing and unique jobs in East Tennessee!”

Anne Brock is marketing coordinator for SolarAlliance.com. She can be reached at 865-221-8349.


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