Oh, what a day!

Betsy PickleOpinion

Since the coronavirus struck last year, many people who’ve been cooped up at home have complained that every day seems the same. But there’s not a day goes by that …

Does Knox County really need this money?

Sandra ClarkOpinion

A resounding “no” vote is a no-brainer Monday when Knox County Commission considers extending a lease with Lamar Companies for a billboard in the Tank Strickland Park in East Knoxville.
“Oh, …

Holding on to what’s important

Betsy PickleOpinion

I used to have a lot of friends who scrapbooked, but I don’t hear them talk about it much anymore. It almost seems as though scrapbooking has fallen off the …

Winners and losers in redistricting

Sandra ClarkOpinion

Redistricting – it’s a big yawner for most people. Yet some politicians become experts on the ins and outs of redistricting, using it to partisan advantage. As in many things, …

Gremlins from the Kremlin?

Betty BeanOpinion

It was just another outrageous Saturday Night Live skit, but last weekend’s fictional Lucerne County school board spoof seemed sadly, hilariously familiar to me, and probably to a lot of …