The Pottery Lady comes to Wallace Memorial

Susan EspirituNorth Knoxville, Our Town Neighbors

Recently, my friend Kay Pilkay asked, “Hey Susan, I wanted to invite you to our spring luncheon as my guest to Wallace Memorial. A lady is bringing her potter’s wheel and works while she talks about God and His word. Gail is coming with me, too.”

My normal weekends are usually spent on one or more sports fields either soccer or baseball and possible a basketball court, but this opportunity to spend a day with Kay and Gail Giffin was a no-brainer. I did not expect the lady on the potter’s wheel to be one of the most incredible presenters I have witnessed in my decades of conference attendance.

When I saw the 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. time frame, I must admit I did wonder how one presenter was going to hold the attention of 100+ women who by nature of our gender can’t stay seated for 6 minutes much less 6 hours. On Saturday, April 22, Carole Wolaver, The Pottery Lady, had no problem captivating us with her interweaving of the steps the potter takes as she is creating pieces of pottery with the analogy of God’s being the master potter as he creates us. “You are like the clay in the potter’s hands and I am the potter.” (Jeremiah 18:6b)

As we watched Wolaver create multiple pieces of pottery on her wheel, we heard many of the lessons we can learn from the potter working the magic of the clay as it is spun into different creations from the wheel. We can be a plate to hold the bread of life, a pitcher to pour out living water, a coffee mug to be used every day, or a tear bottle to hold the joys and sorrows of others.

To read her story of conversion, transformation and ministry and the inspiring ministry she supports in Uganda, Faith Women Ministry with Jackie Kahutu, go here.

Cindy Warmack, Kay Pilkay, Gail Giffin, Shelly Aaser at Wallace Memorial

Truly this was more than just a spring luncheon with Kay and Gail and it actually turned into a wonderful group of five with another two friends, Cindy Warmack and Shelly Aaser, but the time spent in really peaceful reflection and listening to The Pottery Lady was just what the Master Potter prescribed for this vessel of clay!

All of us have a story and I want to tell yours! Send them to


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