Stephanie Prince named School Administrator of the Year

Susan EspirituHalls, Our Town Neighbors

In my opinion, earning the opportunity to serve as a school principal is one of the highest honors an educator can attain as you may touch not only the lives of the students, but also the staff members as well as the entire community in which you are placed. To be honored for your service by that collective group is more than just a tribute but a confirmation of your values.

Stephanie Prince, principal of Adrian Burnett Elementary School, was recently recognized by the Tennessee School Counselor Association and named School Administrator of the Year for her dedication to the overall welfare of the stakeholders within Adrian Burnett.

Prince’s first year as principal was during the pandemic year of 2020-21, when she said, “We knew then that our focus first needed to be on students feeling safe and loved before we could get back to the business of learning.” She said ensuring all students were safe and loved so that they could be successful in academics and in life became the mission of the school.

Prince said, “I’m honored that I have been recognized by the Tennessee School Counselor Association, but it has truly been a collaborative effort by the entire staff at Adrian Burnett. They have jumped in with initiatives to ensure our disciplinary and academic practices support students to take ownership of what they think, feel and do.”

School counselor Amy Marshall says of Prince, “As a parent, Stephanie is developing the school culture of exactly the place where I would want my kids to be: where kids are valued for being themselves and who we know they can be. It’s a place where kids are celebrated for who they are and how much they’ve grown.”

Marshall has an opinion of Prince from a counselor perspective: “She respects our expertise while caring enough to educate herself on student mental health, and values a comprehensive school counseling program. This work sometimes means dealing with very difficult truths. She isn’t going to shy away from hard work when it’s in the best interest of our students and families. I’m a better counselor for having worked with and for her.”

Stephanie Prince is impacting those in the Adrian Burnett community with her passion and dedication for ensuring the best possible experiences during these students’ elementary years.

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