Food City has again partnered with KUB and others to sponsor Project Help, an emergency heating assistance program.
Customers can purchase a donation coupon when shopping at a Food City store, donate directly at a Home Federal Bank drive-through or mail a check to Project Help, P.O. Box 59017, Knoxville, TN 37950.
Last year, Project Help assisted 400 families in need with their winter utility bill. Fund-raising will continue through Feb. 2.
This is the 20th Project Help campaign. Donating at Food City stores can help a neighbor in need. “Due to the effects of the pandemic, the needs are greater than ever before. Millions of Americans will need assistance this year. Project Help is one way we can help those in need right here in our own area,” said Kevin Stafford, Food City vice president of marketing.
Project Help is administered by the Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee (CAC). KUB collects donations, and 100 percent of the funds go to CAC. The money goes directly toward the purchase of electricity, natural gas, propane, heating oil, wood, or coal for those in need.
Project Help of East Tennessee is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax deductible.
Ad specials: And check our specials for today and Saturday (Jan. 29-30) here: Food City_1.29 Knox ROP
Betsi James is special events manager for Food City’s Knoxville and Chattanooga divisions.