Early one October morning, a group of photographers met to shoot the sunrise and then go to breakfast in Gatlinburg to celebrate our photographic wonders. As darkness turned to the blue of early morning, the prospects of a beautiful sunrise came to life. This had the potential to be special, making the 5 a.m. alarm well worth it.

Minutes before sunrise, as can happen so quickly at the top of the Smokies, a cloud moved in, a light rain began and fog engulfed us. Our sunrise was gone and, disappointedly, I headed back down the mountain.

Then it dawned on me. This is October! This is the Great Smoky Mountains! This weather is perfect (cloud cover and light rain are great for fall color photography). I have my camera. There has to be something here to shoot. I turned into the next pullout and just got out and walked, climbed down an embankment and discovered this gold mine of color.

For the next hour or more, I scrambled over rocks and logs checking different compositions. Built in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), this beautiful sturdy old structure is passed over by thousands of cars daily. The passengers seldom know what they have missed.

This day reminded me of two photographic truths. When I plan what to shoot, I seldom get what I plan. If you don’t know what to shoot, get out of the car.

Photographer Chris and painter Robin Rohwer each week strive to share a painting or photograph that captured their interest in hopes that it will also capture yours. They have a small studio and gallery in the Emporium Center in downtown Knoxville where you can stop and see their work. Check ahead to see when they will be there, as they may be off looking for more inspiration. Their website is www.ChristopherRobinArts.com. Email them at ChristopherRobinArts@gmail.com. If a particular piece interests you for your home or office, please contact them. All works are copyright protected.