Lonsdale Boys and Girls Club has rocketing good time

Susan EspirituNorth Knoxville, Our Town Youth

Lonsdale Elementary has a rocketing Boys and Girls Club group this summer! As Christopher Galacia, their education director, said, “Stomp Rockets was a really fun activity for the kids to be involved with during our Summer Enrichment 2023 Space Week.”

He helped the kids understand how the stomp rocket works. He explained how stomping on the air bladder forces air through the tube and up into the rocket which forces the rocket up into the air. Stomping harder on the air bladder with more force creates more compressed air in the rocket, causing the rocket to launch higher into the sky.

Galacia watched the science mentally take effect as the kids realized stomping with one foot only allowed the rocket to go a few feet in the air, but by the end of the activity they were jumping with both feet causing the rockets to fly over 100 feet in the air.

I imagine the entire summer is filled with engaging activities just as intentional and educational as this.

All of us have a story and I want to tell yours! Send them to susan@knoxtntoday.com




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