George Moore: Gets serious about heart health

Jay FitzOur Town Health, West Knoxville

George Moore, 61, knew he was in trouble last January after diagnostic testing indicated the left ventricle of his heart was pumping blood to his body at barely half the required capacity.

This is a dangerous warning sign he was in congestive heart failure. In addition to beginning cardiac rehab, his medication was adjusted and he received a “life vest,” or a wearable defibrillator. He began his exercise sessions five days per week in mid-March.

Cardiac rehab is a medically supervised exercise program for people who have had surgery or a health event involving the heart or lungs. The program strengthens the heart muscle through gentle exercise with the guidance and supervision of a team of nurses and exercise physiologists.

Read more about Moore’s journey from barely walking short distances to riding his bike again: Covenant Health_Cardiac Rehab

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