Brothers and best friends playing together

Susan EspirituOur Town Youth, West Knoxville

When my daughter posted my grandsons’ first high school game picture, I had my usual teary-eyed, tissue-grabbing second (OK, minutes). 

Then I grasped the significance of this picture, and I wanted to know if they understand what it will mean in hindsight. You know what I mean about those pictures we look at today and think, “If I only knew then?” 

I know the hours these boys spend training, getting up before dawn to work out, the hours spent studying to keep their 4.0 GPAs (and higher to be in honors classes). But do they really understand how meaningful this time in their personal history will be? 

So, I asked them and I will let their answers finish this story. 

Treyson Derry, the younger brother, said, “It feels amazing getting to share the field with one of my best friends and brother. At the very first practice, he introduced me to all the coaches and players because I have the honor to play as an eighth grader. He helped me find my place on the varsity team and makes me feel I belong there. He has also been there to help me and teach me things at practice that I didn’t quite know.” 

Makai Derry, the sophomore brother and starting shortstop, said, “It is really cool to get to play with my brother this year, because we had always thought we would only get two years together. Since he is playing on varsity this year, we have been playing the whole season. 

“It feels like we are playing little league again and it definitely helps with getting comfortable on the field. He is my biggest hype man. He will also tell me when I messed up which is a great trait to have as a teammate but more importantly as a brother.

“I can’t wait for the next few years playing with him and hopefully one year with my youngest brother, too.”  

Yes, I think they get the importance and oh yes, there is another brother who is putting in the same dedication to the game and the academics and is looking forward to his time spent as a trio on the field. 

Susan Espiritu is the ultimate optimist who wants to share uplifting, entertaining stories from your communities and youth! Send them to


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