Just wear the damn mask 

Betty BeanKnox Scene

The Knox County Board of Health took over Knox County’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic from the health department on Wednesday, and served notice that it’s not playing politics by …

Captain Boatman was KFD mainstay

Betty BeanObits, South Knox

William A. “Boaty” Boatman’s first nickname was “Chugg.” That’s what the kids in his Lonsdale neighborhood called him, because he ran with a peculiar gait – he was born with …

Tennessee, we’ve got a lot to answer for

Betty BeanKnox Scene

If we had any sense, we’d be embarrassed.
That’s rhetorical, of course. The assortment of bigots, self-dealers and Bible-bangers we send to Nashville to represent us in the House of Representatives …

John Majors: Off the field

Betty BeanKnox Scene

Brian Griffin is a poet, not a jock. But he’s a native Tennessean, so of course he knew who Johnny Majors was before he happened to bump into him in …