Tom Spangler and Lee Tramel, candidates for sheriff in the May 1 Republican Primary, will speak to the Powell Business & Professional Association at noon Tuesday, March 13, at Jubilee Banquet Facility. The meeting is open to members and others. Buffet lunch is $14.
Traffic calming
Broadacres Homeowners Association will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, at the Powell Branch Library. Agenda items include discussion of traffic calming measures. Info: John Sexton, staff engineer for Knox County, at 865-215-5860.
Workday ahead
Volunteers will be asked to help clean up Collier Preserve, the land just east of Powell Branch Library, on an upcoming Saturday.
Carol Evans of Legacy Parks Foundation is coordinating the cleanup. “We’re looking for 20 or so volunteers with work gloves and hand tools,” she said. There are flower beds to be worked with bulbs transplanted, and non-native plants to be removed. The land includes two natural springs and borders Beaver Creek. will communicate details once the date is chosen.