At a cost of $7.28 million, KUB and its contractor Garney Construction have installed 8,500 feet of new 36-inch water transmission in northwest/downtown Knoxville. The project included new main line on Blackstock Avenue, Van Street, West Fifth Avenue, Williams Street, East Depot Avenue, Morgan Street, East Jackson Avenue, Patton Street and Willow Avenue and connecting to an existing main at East Summit Hill Avenue.

Approximately 3,000 feet of 8-, 12- and 16-inch distribution water mains that dated as far back as the 1930s were replaced on sections of West Fifth Avenue and Williams Street, according to a release from KUB.

Highlights from the yearlong project included a 54-inch auger bore spanning 400 linear feet, a large bore under Second Creek (below the West Fifth Avenue overpass) and two railroad crossings.

Roadway and sidewalk surface repairs have been completed along the work route.

Food City sparks Project Help collection

Collection of funds for Project Help is underway at Food City stores and other businesses through Feb. 1. The donations provide emergency heating assistance during the winter, according to Leslye Hartsell, director of external affairs for KUB.

“Thanks to generous donors, last year’s Project Help was able to help over 455 needy families stay warm through the winter. Project Help is administered by the Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee (CAC). The money goes directly toward the purchase of electricity, natural gas, propane, heating oil, wood or coal for those in need,” she said.

Assistance is targeted to those in need because of job loss, illness, injury or disability, as well as seniors struggling with the rising cost of living. Donations can be mailed to Project Help, P.O. Box 59017, Knoxville, TN 37950.