The art of busting boredom

Sherri Gardner HowellFarragut, Feature

It wasn’t reverse psychology I was practicing back in the summer of 1988, but it was close.
I was working from home, and the assignments were pretty sparse, which was okay …

CAK gets new principals

Sandra ClarkFarragut, Feature

Christian Academy of Knoxville has named three administrators to its team.
Jessica Thomas, currently assistant principal at CAK, has been promoted to head principal of the elementary school. She replaces Kelly …

Let’s all eat cake!

Sherri Gardner HowellFarragut, Feature

The week of my recent birthday, I got a special gift. My Nashville son and daughter-in-law, Trey and Kinsey, let me bring my 3-year-old grandson, King, home for a few …

‘Global grant’ set for Clay County

Tom KingFarragut, Feature

The phrase “global grants” means what it says – Rotary International approves grants annually to fund projects globally. The majority of those grants are used on projects overseas. But this …