Anti-Bredesen ad is ‘damn lies’

Frank CagleFeature, Frank Talk

The Americans for Prosperity attack ad against Phil Bredesen is so inept it ought to be counted as an in-kind contribution to the Bredesen campaign.
If Marsha Blackburn loses this U.S. …

A chihuahua cured my asthma

Frank CagleFeature, Frank Talk

In the past year I have been treated by some of Knoxville’s finest. A surgeon, a family doctor, an oncologist and assorted other experts. Every sort of modern medical device …

Hiding in plain sight?

Frank CagleFeature

How does a man employ almost 100 illegal aliens at a slaughterhouse in Bean Station for 20 years without getting caught? The feds must really be proud of themselves for …

Running ‘under the radar’

Frank CagleFeature

While the airwaves are filled with noise about the race for governor of Tennessee there is a secret election in progress of almost equal importance. The votes will be cast …

Thank you, Randy

Frank CagleFeature

We owe a debt of gratitude to Randy Boyd for spending $21 million to ensure that Diane Black will not become governor. Unfortunately for Boyd, while his campaign was defeating …

Predicting tomorrow’s election

Frank CagleFeature

Election day is tomorrow (Thursday), a few predictions:
It is not a foregone conclusion that Randy Boyd will carry Knox County. The key to his victory in the governor’s race is …