A voucher by any other name smells as bad

Frank CagleFrank Talk

Supporters have been fairly successful in rebranding school vouchers as “education savings plans,” but it’s more of the same and in some ways worse.
It sounds so benign. Savings are good. …

Trump is Democrats’ best friend

Frank CagleFrank Talk

Rejoice, Democrats. You should admit that President Donald Trump is your greatest ally who will enable you to accomplish left-wing goals that would never have been possible without him.
He has …

Dump the UT system

Frank CagleFrank Talk

The University of Tennessee is looking for a new chancellor and a new system president. There has been some discussion about moving the president’s office off-campus to avoid confusion about …

Puttin’ on the grits

Frank CagleFrank Talk

“I’m fixin’ to jerk a knot in your tail, Dick. I told you yerse-dey evenin’ to get yourself lined out and hope me get that hay in the dry ’cause …